Since 1994, ITI has developed R&D applied to the needs and problems of companies, looking for technological solutions that respond to social and economic challenges, improve industrial competitiveness, promoting a more intelligent and sustainable society. The result are products and advanced and innovative technology services.
Location: Camino de Vera s/n Edif. 8G Acceso B 46022 Valencia. Spain.


Volumetric Inspector
This solution analyses up to 120 parts per minute and helps to detect 95% of scrap from defective parts and is able to classify parts by model and reject unknown parts.

Surface Anomaly Detector
The multi-camera solution scans up to 120 parts per minute and helps detect 90% of waste from defective parts and is able to classify parts by model and reject unknown parts.

Industrial Equipment Manufacturing Suite
Get a more predictable and efficient production process, with better product delivery schedules and faster market reach. Streamline procurement, fabrication, and delivery plans, using smart algorithms that adapt to your plant’s unique challenges.