The i4Q QD is a micro-service that supervises the quality conformity of products and provides visual assistance to machine operators through quality metrics and graphical representations.

Project: i4Q

Publisher: CERTH

Technology: AI, Machine Learning, Signal Processing, Time Series Analysis

Industry: Metal industrial equipment for automotive and aerospace, Metal machining, Ceramic pressing, Plastic injection


i4Q QD is a microservice for providing rapid diagnosis of failures in manufacturing lines, evaluating data fidelity, product quality and process condition and providing action recommendations for various actions. The software solution can be containerised.
The i4Q QD interface helps the user to monitor the manufacturing line, track the process condition and receive recommendations regarding sensor recalibrations and maintenance actions


  • Features:
    • License
    • Full Customisation
    • Training


  • Benefits:
    • Easy and fast quality supervision
    • Visual assistance with quality metrics and graphical representations



i4Q QD



Technology Topic

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Signal Processing, Time Series Analysis




How it works



Identifying technical relationships 

Split data

Feature selection

The historical data are spit into training and validation sets. The features selection methods are then fitted only on the training set to ensure an unbiased training process

Feature selection

Train and validation

Feature selection methods are applied to the data, to discard redundant features, thus keeping the ones that are more correlated with product defects. This results in a better performing ML model

Train and validation

Check model efficacy

Before the model deployment, the train and validation phase are crucial to obtain a well-tuned model, capable of accurately detecting/predicting product defects

Check model efficacy

Visualization tools

Based on the quality diagnosis results, the 18-i4QQD should offer visual assistance to the machine operators through the use of product quality metrics and graphical representations


CERTH - The Centre for Research and Technology Hellas was fοunded in March 2000, it is a legal entity governed by private law with non-profit status, supervised by the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation (GSRI) of the Greek Ministry of Development. CERTH suggests one of the most important Research Centers in Greece with a main mission: The promotion of innovative research for the benefit of society. Dedicated to this purpose, CERTH lies at the forefront of basic, applied and technological research to provide solutions to society’s modern challenges.