SmartFactoryKL owning a technology-initiative Industry 4.0 production laboratory for mass customisation and Plug-and-Produce for future smart factories. Its strength lies in its open network of modules, which can be continuously expanded by new research projects. In this way, different research questions can be explored on the basis of the exemplary process and implemented with industry-realistic hardware.

Project: DIMOFAC

Publisher: SmartFactoryKL

Technology: Plug-and-Produce

Industry: Industry 4.0


Innovative key technologies are tested and further developed in realistic industrial production environments. Keywords are Gaia-X (research project smartMA-X), multi-agent systems, artificial intelligence, 5G, system architecture, autonomous systems, module exchange, human-machine interaction, etc. The goal is a flexible, more efficient and sustainable production concept. With this in mind, we have further developed Industry 4.0. We call this update Production Level 4. The demonstrator shows different production and logistics processes in the form of encapsulated capabilities and described by Asset Administration Shells (AAS) following the DIMOFAC common information model (e.g. 3D printer or armrobot). To achieve Plug-and-Produce capability, several modular production resources are accessible via the DIMOFAC platform, where the corresponding AAS are registered and describes the interaction for production agents


  • Services: 
    • Practical Demonstration of the use of AAS, Middleware and hardware
    • Research on AAS models to be used and improved in research projects
    • Close exchange with industry partners and development of joint use cases 
    • Demonstration of the testbed on fairs, open days and interest groups
  • Benefits: Solving challenges of industry 4.0 like Plug and Produce scenarios, skill-based engineering, digital twins. The main benefit is the possibility of pre-industrial testing and validation to show possible and realistic scenarios.


Asset Administration Shells (AAS) following the DIMOFAC common information model



Advanced Manufacturing Consultancy- SmartFactory (EAP)

EAP: Early Adopters program. The EAP gave the chance to external companies to engage with experts from the pilot lines of the OPLN and test the technology developed within the frame of DIMOFAC