This case study examines PCM’s integration of advanced additive manufacturing (AM) technologies through the INTEGRADDE project, showcasing a leap towards innovative industrial production


PROCADA sought to advance its manufacturing capabilities and innovate within the EU’s AM market. The challenge was to implement a scalable, reliable additive manufacturing process that could meet industrial demands.

Implemented Technology 

Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM)

Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM)

Service: Interoperability Validation of External Technology

Implementation Process:

Collaboration between teams (University West that helped them to implement the new process, and PROCADA team) to adapt software and hardware, what let them assess the capabilities for WAAM as a complement to theit legacy technology and how their technology and learnings from another DED field could possibly benefit WAAM as well.


New business possibilities (aeroespace and food)


Reduce of waste

Accelerating the time it takes to bring new products to market

We have been able to explore an entirely new business area and understood what it would take to develop a product for it. Without MX3D’s support we would not have dared to take the risk of investigating it ourselves, mainly since we lack the competences ourselves.

Petter Hagvist, PROCADA CTO


Project info:

The use case is part of PROCADA’s involvement in the Horizon 2020 INTEGRADDE project, Grant Agreement noº 820776, aiming to innovate the field of Additive Manufacturing​​​​.