University West in Trollhättan is a modern university which offers education collaborating with work-life in an attractive and modern study environment. Research is conducted within the areas of technology, social science, health and caring sciences and the humanities. 

University West provides services that are grounded in the principle that all people are created equal, and that democracy and diversity contribute to social welfare, justice, and sustainable social development.

 Gustava Melins Gata 2 S-461 32 Trollhättan, Sweden. 


Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM)

Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM)

Directed Energy Deposition (DED) Metal Additive Manufacturing (MAM)

Directed Energy Deposition (DED) Metal Additive Manufacturing (MAM)


TECHNOGENIA and IREPA LASER: pioneering sustainable laser cladding solutions

TECHNOGENIA and IREPA LASER: pioneering sustainable laser cladding solutions

TECHNOGENIA sought to enhance the deposition of tungsten carbides on intricate 3D parts, aiming for a breakthrough in efficiency and sustainability.

RTO Team and Leadership

Kjell Hurting - University West

Kjell Hurtig

Research Engineer at University West
