University West in Trollhättan is a modern university which offers education collaborating with work-life in an attractive and modern study environment. Research is conducted within the areas of technology, social science, health and caring sciences and the humanities


WAAM AM Expert Consultancy: [Link to video or case study]

DED AM for Industrial Competitiveness: [Link to video or case study on DEDICATE project]


Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM)

Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM)

Directed Energy Deposition (DED) Metal Additive Manufacturing (MAM)

Directed Energy Deposition (DED) Metal Additive Manufacturing (MAM)


TECHNOGENIA and IREPA LASER: pioneering sustainable laser cladding solutions

TECHNOGENIA and IREPA LASER: pioneering sustainable laser cladding solutions

TECHNOGENIA sought to enhance the deposition of tungsten carbides on intricate 3D parts, aiming for a breakthrough in efficiency and sustainability.

RTO Team and Leadership

Kjell Hurting - University West

Kjell Hurtig

Research Engineer at University West
