FPARF - Flexible Processing & Assembly Robotic Framework by LMS (EL), owning a number of conventional and non-conventional process modules (CNC milling, turning, welding, EDM, Additive Manufacturing) as well as multiple industrial, cooperative and mobile robots. For demonstrating and training people interested to the DIMOFAC solution and its related developments, the following modules have been selected, based on which, several services are offered:

Project: DIMOFAC

Publisher: LMS

Technology: Machining, Milling

Industry: Manufacturing


  • AR Instructions for Operator Support module: 
    • The development focuses on the implementation of an AR application to support human operators during various production phases. Main focus is given on providing virtual instructions regarding the task to be performed through the AR Glasses both in terms of text instructions as well as holograms of the parts to be handled that superimpose the operator’s field of view. Target of this is to minimise training needs for the human operators when introduced to new tasks or new product variants while also reducing the scrap rate by reducing the possibility of errors during process execution.
    • Services: 
      • Consultancy: Feasibility study on AR applications utilisation - 100 EUR/application Provide insight regarding the implemented system (added value, requirements, etc.) 
      • Training: AR workshop – 500EUR/applicant AR utilisation Unity familiarization Create digital instructions Load and generate digital models/animations
  • Small parts assembly module
    • The development focuses on the implementation of a highly flexible and reconfigurable module that include all the required skills to perform assembly of small parts. The operation of the deployed robots is enhanced by the use of a Digital Twin for real time sensor data gathering and exchange. This information is used for the real time robot motion planning eliminating the need for preprograming the robots. In terms of scheduling and orchestrating the actions of the robots, a scheduling algorithm is utilised that exploiting the DIMOFAC CIM-based modelling of the production entities in ISA-95 compatible format (JobOrder, JobResponse, Equipment modelling, etc.) produces the detailed Production schedule to be executed by the robots. This scheduling system exposes the outcome via the AAS for the Process Orchestrator (the DIMOFAC orchestration systems) to consume it and manage the schedule execution by communicating the actions to be performed to the assigned robotic resources.
    • Services: 
      • Consultancy: Feasibility study on multi-robot assembly utilisation - 200 EUR/application Provide insight regarding the implemented system (added value, requirements, etc.) 
      • Training: Reconfigurable multi-robot assembly Workshop – 500EUR/applicant ROS framework familiarization/DT implementation Object detection methods/techniques
  • Laser Welding module
    • On this module, the developments focused on creating add-on functionalities for the reconfiguration of the laser welding module. Trainees may get in touch with a non-invasive gap detection system, responsible for measuring the gaps between parts before welding, and with a rapid simulation tool responsible for calculating the weld bead dimensions achieved by the selected process parameters. The simulation is mostly automatically performed, through parsing the robot welding program
    • Services: 
      • Consultancy: Consultancy: Feasibility study on zerodefect laser welding applications – 200EUR Provide insight regarding the implemented system (added value, requirements, etc.) 
      • Process Development: Process parameters selection for mass customizable laser welded products – 4000EUR per material Process development on client's application, for optimizing the process parameters selection 
      • Training: Zero-defect laser welding Workshop – 500EUR/applicant Gap detection system operation/setup Laser welding simulation operation/setup
  • Milling Module
    • In the milling module, the main focus is the digitalization of milling process and the milling machines enabling its monitoring and control. For the control, the chatter is investigated throughout this module, while the workflow followed provides useful information for controlling other milling phenomena
    • Servicios: 
      • Consultancy: Feasibility study on machining digitalization- 2000 EUR Provide insight regarding the implemented system (added value, requirements, etc.) 
      • Training: Digital Machining Workshop– 500EUR/applicant Integration of the implemented system on interested party's premises Operation/use of the implemented system on interested party's premises Communication with high-level software (such as MES etc.) through the AAS.


  • Digitalisation in machining 
  • Monitoring and control of chatter in milling 
  • Retrofitting existing machines with digital technologies 
  • Laser welding process understanding and simulation 
  • Easy robot-based assembly module reconfiguration – new product variants introduction 
  • Reduced human operators training requirements 
  • Reduced scrap rate – production delays due to human errors



Close to market Services – LMS (EAP) 

EAP: Early Adopters program. The EAP gave the chance to external companies to engage with experts from the pilot lines of the OPLN and test the technology developed within the frame of DIMOFAC